Channel: some things looming
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Featured Artist: Chris Motley


During the seven weeks of ‘Entangled’ we’ll focus on individual artists here on our blog. ‘some things looming’ is pleased to introduce: Chris Motley

MotleyChris_MeetingInTheMiddle2Meeting in the Middle

My art is an exploration of texture and form with fiber, using as my medium the techniques of knitting, a life-long avocation, and fulling. With my pieces I create expressions or representations of emotion or life situations.

The process of knitting can itself be a driving force in my art. Since hand knitting is a meditative process for me, a design can emerge as I am knitting. Free from any preconceived notion of typical knitted fabric or patterns, but armed with a lifetime of technique, a piece can emerge from pushing the boundaries of the stitches and I can explore color, form and three dimension. 

Alternatively, I develop an idea from something I see in the real world or in my head, unrelated to yarn at all, that triggers a curiosity to translate the image or concept to fiber.

This is the case with the sculptural projects I am currently pursuing which involve developing final pieces from smaller knit and fulled units. The final form of the units together emerges as I knit and explore. It is also a wonderful new exploration of freedom and creativity after 30 years in a left-brain career.

MotleyChris_MeetingInTheMiddleMeeting in the Middle

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